How many people know about or have data concerning the pending transport of sensitive goods? Hardly any customer is aware how often its shipments appear on the screens of criminal groups who are just waiting for juicy spoils up and down the motorway network or in some poorly secured transfer depots.

Over the past few decades, transport security mostly concerned transporting money and items of high value in heavily armoured vehicles. Even cigarettes subject to high tax rates meant that the transport company had to be care­fully chosen. Today, the situation has undergone a fundamental change, and international criminals focus on a wide range of industries.

Logistics Sector in the Centre of Interest of Organised Crime

Highly organized, intelligent criminals throughout Europe have long since identified the logistics sector as a rewarding industry. Increasingly violent truck robberies using perfidious methods have become almost commonplace in many regions in Europe.

Burglary-resistant Safety


Warehouses are susceptible to theft and trafficking. Decades of negligence in taking care of security issues for logistics chains are making themselves felt. The daily reports from the TAPA organization for secure logistics clearly show that almost all regions of Europe are now affected.

Which branded goods manufacturers want to make it into the papers in connection with crimes? Schmechel has offered solutions for a large number of industries for many years – with secure transport and cross-docking. Sometimes simple organizational improvements to the shipping workflow and the transport are sufficient to avoid risks that often give rise to later criminal attacks. In other cases, a modular package of activities is required in order to ensure that transport is actually secure.

Analysis of Security Needs

Schmechel analyses on demand the forwarder’s security requirements together with the client, and provides recommendations for a secure shipment workflow and limited-risk transport. The possible costs in this regard are governed by the type of goods, itineraries, and the individual risk co-efficient which forms the basis for an optimum, cost-efficient solution.

Global tobacco companies place their trust in Schmechel, as do the ma­nufacturers of well-known luxury brands, pharmaceutical companies and forwarders of other imperiled product groups that may not be stolen under any circumstances. The technical equipment of the Schmechel fleet, on the newest state of the development and one of few enterprises in Europe which own the highest TAPA TSR 1 level Category A certification for fleets of more than 100 trucks, if security and economic efficiency offers customers for every conceivable transport.

Getting there safely!